If you are unaware, Frontier has been offering unlimited flights for dedicated time periods for a low cost. I got mine back in 2022 during Black Friday for $600. This gave me unlimited flights starting in May of 2023 until May 2024. Here is how it works:

You sign up using the account you plan to use for this.
You may need to communicate with frontier to make sure your account is linked afterwards
You can only book domestic flights within 24 hours and international within 10 days of departure.
You will have to pay for your bags & seat, if you want/need to (I don’t Pay for either)
You will have to pay taxes & fees

I highly suggest checking what airports Frontier flies to and from before purchase, because they do not go everywhere. For example, I live in Los Angeles, but Frontier doesn’t fly out of LAX. They do however fly out of Orange County and Ontario, both of which are out the way but I could drive to. However I noticed both of these airports don‘t go directly to most destinations but they do fly into Vegas and Vegas seems to be a hotspot for Frontier. So
sometimes, it makes more sense for me to catch a cheap flight from LA to Vegas, instead of driving out of my way for the other airports.
Let’s talk pricing. Go wild pricing will show as soon as you search for the flight. So there will not be any guessing. And the price you see, is indeed the price you pay. The most expensive ticket I’ve paid for so far has been $30, and this was for 2 flights that included a mini layover.
Here’s how I get away with not paying for a carry on or a seat. As far as carry on’s go, I use Take Off Luggage. They offer a carry on suit case that turns into a personal item by giving you the option to take off the wheels! So technically I still have a carry on, but don‘t pay for one. Here’s the link takeoffluggage.com and feel free to use code: roamwithrasha
for 10% off! When it comes to seats, I don’t choose one. I let them choose one for me at random and then I wait to be one of the last to board the plane. This gives me the advantage to know what seats are open and then just test my luck by sitting there. Once doors are closed, they will rarely ever reopen. However, you can always choose to pay if your heart desires a specific seat.
As far as my experience goes, so far, I have been impressed. The flights I’ve taken have been on time and staff have been great! I hope all other airlines get on board with offering unlimited flight packages.
The only thing this airline lacks, are the amenities. So make sure you come fully charged and have any entertainment you may need downloaded.